Workshops at Baylor College of Medicine

On May 22nd and May 23rd, we (Blaz Zupan and Janez Demsar, assisted by Marinka Zitnik and Balaji Santhanam) have given two hands-on workshops called Data Mining without Programming at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.

Actually, there was a lot of programming, but no Python or alike. The workshop was designed for biomedical students and Baylor's faculty members. We have presented a visual programming approach for development of data mining workflows for interactive data exploration. A three-hour workshop consisted of 15 data mining lessons on visual data exploration, classification, clustering, network analysis, and gene expression analytics. Each lesson focused on a particular data analysis task that the attendees solved with Orange.

The two workshops were organized by Baylor's Computational and Integrative Biomedical Research Center. Over two days, the event was attended by a large audience of 120 attendees.